As sustainable employment is one of the best routes out of poverty,
national coalition in designing and implementing strategies and programs for social
protection providing income security can contribute to the objective of poverty
reduction in situations of low income and high unemployment and

Most people think the solution to poverty is more aid and charitable giving?
But those are only short term stock-out solutions. If we care about them then
we must seek out ways of creating security that will safeguard their
lives and futures. With social protection, especially income protection,
people will be financially well, they are assured economically, thus they're motivated. Their standard of living will go up, they will be able to fund high
quality education for their children, and be able to gain access to better
health care. Furthermore, they will be able to dream and make their dream a
Society that the economy represents will benefit from this endeavor.
The result will fuel the engine towards poverty reduction and improved quality of life. What about tomorrow? What
about the next generation that is coming from them? Through social protection,
economic growth will surface thus creating sustainable opportunities for
people. At first we ask, “How can the poor, vulnerable and marginalized be assured of a bright tomorrow?” Then suddenly they are on a trajectory towards quality living.
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